How can I compare heroes?
First, find the heroes that you wish to compare by either using the filters on the "Heroes" page or using the search box at the top of any page. Once you've found one of the heroes, click the "Compare this hero" button (2 side arrows). You should see a "Hero Compare" dropdown module appear on the page with the image of the hero you just added. The "Compare" button in the module will be grayed out until you add at least 2 heroes to your compare list (max of 5). Once you have at least 2 heroes to compare, click either the "Compare" button in the module, the "Compare Heroes" link at the top of the page, or the "Compare Heroes" link on the "Heroes" page. This will take you to the Hero Comparison Page.
How do I remove heroes from my compare list?
If you wish to remove a hero from your compare list, click the black "x" next to the hero you wish to remove in the dropdown module. You can minimize the module by clicking the minus button o the module, or you can remove all heroes from your compare list by clicking the hero-x button at the top of the module.
Can I rearrange the heroes on the comparison page to reflect the actual position I want them on my team?
Yes. Once you are on the Hero Comparison page, you can rearrange the order your heroes are listed by dragging the Heroes Name into the position you want to place them. All attributes will be carried with them. If you leave the Hero Comparison page, all changes will be reset.
How do I create an account?
To create an account, click the "My Account" link at the top of the page, then click "Register". Enter your Username, Email, and Password into the fields. Read and agree to the Privacy Policy and click "Continue". If you need to login to your account, click "My Account" -> "Login" and enter your email address and password in the "Returning Member" section.
How do I create my Hero Roster?
In order to create a roster, you must have an account (Please follow the steps above). Once you have an account and you are logged in, click the "Add to hero roster" button (hero-+) next to any hero. You should receive a success message. Once you've added your heroes to your roster, click the "Hero Roster" link or "Hero Roster" button (yellow) at the top of any page.
What can I do with my hero roster?
The hero roster is very dynamic and interactive. The Ascension, Skill, Level, Power, Attack, Defense, and Health fields are all editable. Once your hero is maxed, a Talent Grid box appears next to the heroes name. You can also add your Emblems and Ascension Materials in the "My Inventory" section of the site. When you do this, your heroes names will highlight in Yellow when you have enough materials to upgrade them to the next level and will highlight blue when you have enough emblems to upgrade their talent grid. The roster is an excellent tool to help manage your heroes. It will help you keep track of inventory, the overall strength of your heroes, help you determine which heroes to focus on upgrading, create strong teams, and much more. You can sort by any column. The default is by Total hero strength. The Image column will sort by color. You can also use the search box to search any value including color.
We have also added a new feature where you can share your roster with other members of your alliance. This is a great new feature and will allow alliances to collaborate in war strategies as well as allow more experienced members to offer advice as to which heroes you may want to focus your efforts on.