Butterfly Swarm
1x Mana Charge:
- Summons a Butterfly Minion for each ally with 8% HP and 17% attack inherited from the caster.
- Each hit from a Butterfly Minion gives the target the following status ailment:
- All Damage the target receives is increased by +20% for 2 turns.
2x Mana Charge:
- Summons a Butterfly Fiend for all enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 43% attack every turn.
- The Butterfly Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 30% of it's owners max health.
- The Butterfly Fiend gives -50% accuracy for it's owner for as long as the owner has Butterfly Fiends. Chance to miss also applies to offensive Special Skills. (Can't be cleansed)
Passive: On a fully charged Special Skill, this Hero has a 50% chance to recover 30% health for all allies that are not of Holy element.
Yellow / Holy
Sorcerer Class
Magic Family
Max Rank Power: 813 [ 14 ] Attack: 766 [ 77 ] Defense: 782 [ 54 ] Health: 1439 [ 48 ] Total: 3800 [ 16 ] Mana Speed: Magic
Tags: Magic Family